• A2-409, Janapriya Greenwood Apartments, Somashettyhalli, Chikkabanawara Post, Pipeline Road, Bangalore-560090.

Company Profile

OKOLIS aims to ZERO WASTE MANAGEMENT Provide full Recovery Services.

Our Purpose & Values

Okolis and its subsidiaries are committed to market leadership underpinned by the adoption and implementation of the 5S principles. These principles are simple and describe how we approach our work.

Sisih Sort: Tidiness, organization. We practice sorting through all the tools, materials, etc., in our work area and keeping only essential items. Everything else is stored or discarded. Fewer hazards and less clutter have increased our productivity.

Susun Straighten: Orderliness. Our focus is on an orderly workplace. We arrange our tools and equipment in an order that promotes workflow and eliminates extra motion.

Sapu Shine: Systemized cleanliness. We keep our workplace clean and neat all the time because maintaining cleanliness is part of our daily work.

Seragam Standardize: Standards. This refers to our standardized work practices.We operate in a consistent and standardized fashion. Everyone in OKOLIS knows exactly what his or her responsibilities are.

Sentiasa Amal Sustain: Sustaining discipline. We aim to maintain these high standards, as our way of operating. We will not tolerate a gradual decline back to the old ways of operating.

Collection Containers
Tons of Waste Recycled
Trees Saved Yearly


Business Need and Problem Statement

Our Country is facing a problem of Garbage. For this our company has come with a idea of waste management project. In this process we solve the problem of garbage like:

  • Residence Waste
  • Hotel Waste
  • Market Waste
  • Hospital Waste
  • Industrial Waste
  • Sewage Waste

For this we have solution with us Zero waste output process. It gets recycled with the all kind of waste. From this we generate Electricity , Neutral Ethanol, Coconut oil, Coir, Bio Fertilizer, Pure Drinking water, Alcohol Bio- Pesticides and Bio- Chemicals.
Project Goals and Objectives (Deliverables)
* The State Government wants to supply directly collected Waste to our company step.
* Or Okolis Company will collect the waste from all kind of sources step to our company door step. With some of the conductions.
After Collected waste processing steps:

  • Mechanical segregation process
  • Separation by different materials like Solid, liquid and semi solid.
  • We feed this for next process
  • Output from these products is re-cycled in to energy
  • This process we required Approximate 25k Man power for field & factory

OKOLIS’s Health & Safety Policy

The policy of OKOLIS is to take all reasonable and practicable steps to plan for and promote healthy and safe working conditions for our employees and to ensure the health and safety of contractors, customers and the general public who are affected by our work activities. OKOLIS will not only comply with the statutory requirements, but will proactively seek to prevent injury, ill health, damage and loss arising from its operations.

OKOLIS’s Environmental Policy

OKOLIS views its involvement in the waste management industry as an opportunity to be proactive in environmental matters wherever possible. We believe, therefore, that we have a commitment to:

Maintain the highest environmental standards of treatment, ensuring full compliance with existing legislation and to ensure that all employees are trained to the highest standards and kept abreast of new developments and changes in legislation.

Maintain a high standard of environmental awareness and compliance throughout the company and wherever possible, recycle materials used within our own company function.Develop new techniques and processes to reach even higher standards of treatment and efficiency. Provide information and guidance on environmental issues to our customers on an on going basis.

Caring for the Community

Giving back to the community is based on our belief that all companies and corporations can play significant roles in improving the quality of life of the community. Okolis belief and its commitment are demonstrated by its involvement in various activities encompassing fund-raising and community relations.

Children’s Protection Society, Penang

OKOLIS brought a little cheer to the children by organizing activities for them at the Shelter. We were rewarded with the joy and the laughter of the children, and we even learned a thing or two from them. We were indeed amazed with their optimism and positive outlook on life.

Rumah Kebajikan Seri Cahaya

OKOLIS continues to make a difference by contributing towards the monthly expenses of the Home. We believe that every contribution that we are able to make is a step towards promoting a caring society.


Globalization in literal sense is the process of globalizing, transformation of some things or phenomena into global ones. It can be described as a process by which the people of the world are unified into a single society and functioning together. This process is a combination of economic,technological, sociocultural and political forces. Globalization,as a term, is very often used to refer to economic globalization, that is integration of national economies into the international economy through trade, foreign direct investment, capital flows,migration, and spread of technology. A joint venture (often abbreviated JV) is an entity formed between two or more parties to undertake economic activity together. The parties agree to create a new entity by both contributing equity, and they then share in the revenues, expenses, and control of the enterprise. The phrase generally refers to the purpose of the entity and not to a type of entity. Therefore, a joint venture may be a corporation, limited liability company, partnership or other legal structure, depending on a number of considerations such as tax and tort liability. In line with Globalization, Okolis has spread its wings to Thailand,Philippines, Indonesia, India and China.

THAILAND: We have joined venture with Bil Trading (Thailand) Ltd to operate scrap metal and waste management business in Teparak Industrial Estate, Samutprakarn, Thailand.

INDIA: We have joined venture with MLV Scraps & Metals (India) Pte. Ltd to operate heavy metals,irons, copper, silver and etc at Chennai, India. As for the countries like China, Philippines and Indonesia, we are still at initial stage of agreement and soon we will highlight the address and nature of business.
